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타이탄의 어깨 #그루/데일리 모닝 단상

Successful people say they are lucky because they have a clear memory of their failures.

by 최신버전 2021. 12. 27.

Sometimes people ask me to teach them to shoot.

I am not teaching now.

No matter how easy, accurate, and simple I teach,

their shooting won't improve at all without a minimum amount of practice.

Skills are ultimately nurtured through training,

and training is ultimately about cultivating the stamina

to maintain the senses and sensations.




At least a day a week, if you do it once, 100 times, 100 points as a score,

approximately 2 hours until success, 3 hours to prepare and organize,

unless you intentionally make time to exercise together, I will not teach them.


I wonder if successful people say they are lucky 

because they have a clear memory of their failures. 

Successful people I know have accurate memories of their failures. 

Representatively, the world's most timid man recorded all his failed shots 

during the game and accurately remembered all the moments of the buzzer beater he failed. 

"Over my career, I've missed more than 9000 shots. I've lost nearly 300 games. 

I've missed 26 game changing chances. I've failed all my life.

That's why I've been successful."

This is the story of Michael Jordan.




To fail first,

and to remember failure accurately.

So I am prepared to fail at any time.



From what I've experienced, 

'Growth' and 'Success' like that are all the same.
